Mathematical Sciences jobs ranked most satisfying

29 Apr 2015 - 15:35:31 in Interesting

For the second year in a row Actuary, Mathematician and Statistician have been ranked among the 4 top careers in an annual survey run by the US company CareerCast.

Topping a list of 200, the survey results rank Actuary 1st, Mathematician 3rd and Statistician 4th. Audiologist and Biological Engineer complete the top five, and Data Scientist ranked 6th.

The 2014 survey also saw Actuary, Mathematician and Statistician in the top four jobs.

The survey uses a methodology based on environment, income, hiring outlook and stress, and has been running for 27 years.

Dr Peter Donelan, Head of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Victoria University, says the results highlight the value of studying mathematical sciences.

“It may come as a surprise to them, but our maths and statistics students are among the most employable of university graduates. This survey confirms that the careers our students move on to are both satisfying and provide great opportunities. If you are a parent and your daughter or son loves maths at school, tell them to stick at it—they have a skill that is in great demand.”

The survey report points out that organisations are increasingly focused on data retention and analytics, with the job growth for both Actuary and Statistician predicted to rise by 25 percent by 2022.

The top ranked career, Actuary, interprets statistics to determine probabilities of accidents, sickness, and death, or uncertainty in financial markets, investments and asset management.

In 2015 the School of Mathematics and Statistics launched a new undergraduate major in Actuarial Science in conjunction with School of Economics and Finance, which will set graduates up to enter the Actuary profession.

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